Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Water Fight at Grandma and Grandpa's

What did our kids do while my husband and I were in Hawaii? Why, have a daily water fight of course. My two brothers were happy to oblige, and the kids never got tired of it. In fact, we joined in the day after we arrived back from our holiday. Unfortunately, although I was diligent about wearing sunscreen in Hawaii, I forgot to put it on during the water sports and ended up with a lovely red back. So the next day I sat on the sidelines and watched instead.

My oldest daughter had the same idea.

One of the highlights of my kids' days is when my brother drives 30 minutes to visit my parents' home after work.  He does that almost every day of our visit.


  1. That looks like good old fashioned fun! Love the expression on C in the 2nd frame. I can feel the shock of that cold water coming right at me!

  2. Wow. I love these pictures. You really captured the fun.

  3. It looks like they really enjoyed their time with the grandies and uncles.

  4. That is so sweet of your brothers! I could use a good old fashion water fight right about now! Love all of these action but the one with your brother in it is really funny!
