Sunday, May 1, 2011

Perfect's Tombstone

My little boy lost one of his pet chickens the other day.  In Art class he made her a tombstone to put on her grave.  The poor little guy has had a lot on his mind lately.

The initials, "PTC" stand for Perfect, the Chicken


  1. Poor kid. I hope he feels a little better with each of these steps he takes to remember his Perfect chicken.

  2. I agree with Kelly. I hope this is helping him through the grieving process.

  3. Oh dear. :-( I grew up on a farm and remeber how tough it was to lose an animal-- especially one that you've been taking care of. Hope your little guy is ok.

  4. Conner has such a sweet personality.

  5. Oh, Conner, melt my heart. Poor sweetie.

    It's a lovely presentation of the tombstone, though.

  6. How sweet, it melts my heart he did that. I hope Conner is doing better. He did a nice job on his tombstone.

  7. Awwww. Poor thing. Bless his little heart. :-(
