Sunday, August 8, 2010

Half of a photo shoot

Before we went to Oregon this year, my mom and I planned a "photo shoot" for her and my dad. I looked forward to it, as an amateur seeking practice (and as simply a time to take photos of my folks). Unfortunately, we never found the time. And that's okay. It was a busy time, and I ended up having the impromptu landscape shoots with my dad. But I did manage to catch my mom one day in between yard work and grandkids. We took the photos in her little bamboo grove. And I'm rather pleased with how they turned out.

So here is my mom. This is the woman who raised six children, never asking for recognition for herself. This is the woman who was always there at the end of the school day, or late at night if I needed to talk through my "teenage woes." This is the woman who never missed an opportunity to express her faith in God or her love for her children. This is the woman who showed generosity and compassion for others. This is the woman whose footsteps I follow, a woman who chose "homemaking" over a career, yet strove to improve and educate herself wherever she felt necessary. This is the woman who still stands by my father, in all times and all circumstances. This is my mom.