Saturday, February 5, 2011

This is not what I had in mind. . .

. . .when I told my husband I wanted to take some "different" photos on our trip to the city today.

30 minutes out of town, in the middle of a snowstorm, our tire blew.  Thankfully we heard the tire go and pulled over immediately.  It was 23F, and windy, but before we had fully ascertained the situation a kind man stopped by to give us a hand.  What might have potentially been a very long, miserable process took less than an hour, and we were soon on the road again.  Ironically, one of the tasks on our "to do" list today was to get the car serviced, so it didn't take much more time to pick up a few new tires (we had planned on replacing them in the next couple of months anyway).  So we're feeling very grateful for a blessing of safety today.