Saturday, September 4, 2010

For My Peeps: Beady, Baleful, Bug Eyes!

My fellow amateur photography group (affectionately called My Peeps--Thanks to our clever Sheralee) set a challenge to take a photo reminding us of the letter B.  I originally had a cute idea involving my kids, but when I went searching, I came across this little guy.  I immediately thought of "B"eady, Baleful, Bug Eyes.  These grasshoppers are everywhere this time of year.  When we walk through the grass they jump on our legs, when we rummage in the garden, we find them clinging to all the vegetables.  Ick!  It amazes me that a critter that is so cute and tiny and green in the spring can turn into these brown, ugly, scratchy, nibbly pests!

I wish I had a true macro lens for this shot, but I did the best I could, especially without a handy tripod.


  1. Wow! You captured a very striking image. I really like the way you managed to get the subject so crisply focused and the background so beautifully blurred in contrast.

    Is this a butterfly bush (2 more B's?)

  2. It is! Why didn't I think of that?! Thanks, Nancy!

  3. I think we have that type of grasshopper too... and they ARE everywhere in our yard, neighborhood, school, etc. I love the B's involved and I love that he/she is very clear and crisp but nicely hidden in the beautiful blooms (more B's!)


  4. I left a comment straight after "iron" but it's gone??
    I had to look up the meaning of baleful :D
    I will say again...
    B B Beautiful!
