Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Snow in April

This is an Instagram photo I posted yesterday. The caption said, "Yay! Our forsythia is blooming. Winter has officially ended!" Tempting fate? Apparently. . .

. . .because this is what we woke up to this morning:

A foot of snow and 25F outside!

As soon as my hubby and kids left for school I zipped up my jacket, grabbed my camera, and headed outside. I only ended up staying out for 20 minutes, because it was very cold. (The wind was still blowing and it was snowing.) But I took a handful of pictures for the scrapbook.

Bye, kids! Thank goodness a new bus stop was added in front of our neighbor's house. Too bad I spent Spring Break last week putting away winter boots, though.

Look at that wind blow!

I did have one more task I had to accomplish before heading inside to change my wet clothes. One of my friends in Australia requested a photo of a snow angel when she saw a snowball fight video that I had made. Unfortunately the snow had melted by afternoon. So when I saw the snow this morning I knew what I had to do!

(I did take a photo with my dSLR, too, but Instagram has instant filters--ha ha.)